Committee of Adjustment

The Committee of Adjustment/Property Standard Committee is composed of a minimum of three members, who are appointed by the Council of the Town of Prescott.

The Committee is guided by the provisions of the Official Plan and is authorized by the Ontario Planning Act to grant minor variances from the provisions of the Zoning By-law, to permit extensions, enlargements or variations of existing legal non-conforming uses, and give consent to an owner of land who wishes to sell, convey or transfer an interest "part" of their land. The Committee also meets to review appeals that are subject to the Building Code Act and hears appeals of orders that are issued under the Property Standards By-law. 

The Committee of Adjustment/Property Standards Committee meets on an as-needed basis at Town Hall. All meetings are open to the public and members of the public can speak to each application. The Committee will announce its decision publicly at the meeting and a written decision will be mailed to the application and interested parties within 10 days. Committee of Adjustment/Property Standards Committee agendas and minutes are posted on this site on the Town Hall Meeting Calendar. 

2025 Committee of Adjustment/Property Standards Board Members

  • Laurie Bonsall, Chair 
  • Jim Hutton
  • Daniel Slunder
  • Craig Worden
  • Luis Zelayeta


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