Council, Committees & Boards

Formal meetings of Council are held in Council Chambers at Town Hall, 360 Dibble Street West, on the first and third Monday of each month commencing at 6:00 p.m.

All meetings are open to the public unless otherwise stated. All meetings are to be scheduled in advance with notice provided on this website and to the media. The notice procedures may be waived in emergency situations. 

Board Vacancies 

Board vacancies will be posted as they become available.

The Prescott Public Library Board is seeking to fill vacancies. Please complete and submit the application below.

Join a Board!

Prescott Public Library - Board Member Application 

Prescott Heritage Committee - Board Member Application

Apply to become a member of a board or committee

To become a volunteer member of a Town board or committee, you must be:

  • A Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada
  • A resident of the Town of Prescott (tenant or business owner, or spouse thereof)
  • At least 18 years of age
  • Not an employee of the municipality 

These qualifications are subject to the corresponding legislative authorities. (i.e. Ontario Heritage Act, Public Libraries Act, etc.)

Once an application has been received, it will be reviewed and the corresponding committee may interview candidates.

Applications will only be received when vacancies occur. Openings for various boards will be advertised here, in local print advertising, as well as social media. Contact the Clerk's Department at 613-925-2812 X 6225 to inquire about any vacancies.

Policies and Procedures

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