Join our team as a Volunteer!
The Town of Prescott believes that the enthusiasm, dedication and contributions of our volunteers help to make Prescott a strong, inclusive and vibrant community.
We appreciate the talents and time that our volunteers donate to the activities and events in our town.
We are proud to promote and support volunteerism and welcome you to become a volunteer with the Town of Prescott.
Why volunteer with the Town of Prescott?
As a volunteer with the Town of Prescott, you have the opportunity to . . .
- get to know and be involved in the community
- gain professional skills and experience
- develop social and professional connections
- complete Ontario Secondary School Diploma requirements
What opportunities are there for Volunteers with the Town of Prescott?
As a volunteer with the Town of Prescott, you will be able to select opportunities that fit your interests, skills and schedule.


Recreational Events>
The Town of Prescott is seeking to form a dedicated group of volunteers for an off-leash dog park to help make this a valued space for our dog community! In conjunction with the Town responsibilities, the expectations of this volunteer group include:
- Daily Inspection and maintenance, raking gravel surface
- Waste Clean-Up into Receptacles
- Coordination with the Town, notification of problems
- Fund-raising initiatives for improvements
The Town of Prescott is currently seeking dedicated volunteers with a love of gardening and beautifying our small town! The newly developed Adopt-A-Garden Program is a volunteer-based program designed for interested individuals, groups, and businesses to be able to adopt a street side or public garden.
Our goal is to provide adopters with an active role in the community by maintaining and improving the Town’s street gardens, as well as providing a way to grow pride in the community. If you are interested and would like more information, please view the program link above or reach out to info@prescott.ca
These opportunities include but are not limited to . . .
- Membership on advisory committees or governance boards such as heritage, library, and cemetery.
- Various positions at the Museum
- Volunteering for one-time recreational special events (for example: Tree Lighting Celebration, Pumpkin Parade, Vaccination Clinics, festivals, etc)
Frequently Asked Questions
You may volunteer with the Town of Prescott if you are:
- 16 years of age or young, must have parental consent
- 18 years of age or older AND provide a valid Criminal Record Check that is dated within the past year (see below)
If you wish to apply to become a volunteer with the Town of Prescott, you must:
- complete the Volunteer Application Form
- submit the completed application to the municipality to the attention of the Manager of Community Services
Prior to volunteering, you will need to:
- meet with the contact person for the venue at which you wish to volunteer
- provide the municipality with a valid Criminal Record Check (see above) obtained by contacting:
the Ontario Provincial Police (Prescott) for residents of Grenville County at 613-925-4221
The Manager of Community Services can be contacted at 613-925-2812 X 6230 or emailed at sjoudoinmiller@prescott.ca
Local Volunteer Organizations
7th Prescott Scouting
Business Improvement Area
Central Masonic Lodge #110
Food for All Foodbank
Fort Town Concert Association
Girl Talk S.C.C.
Grenville Historical Society
King's Kitchen
Kinsmen Club
Lion's Club
Prescott & District Soccer Association
Prescott Block Parents
Prescott Figure Skating Club
Prescott Fire Department
Prescott Girl Guides
Royal Canadian Legion Branch #97
Prescott Youth Centre
South Grenville Chamber of Commerce
South Grenville Minor Hockey
St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival
Summer Concert Series
Walker House Adult Recreation Centre
Town of Prescott
360 Dibble Street West
Prescott, ON
K0E 1T0
Phone: 613-925-2812
Fax: 613-925-4381
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