Official Plan>
An Official Plan is a policy document that establishes a vision and goals for the Town’s future growth and development over the next 20 years. The Town’s current Official Plan was approved in February 2024.
The Official Plan guides how lands in the Town may be used, and how and where the Town’s future growth should occur. It establishes the important natural, cultural, and recreational features and resources that should be protected and enhanced, and how community services will be planned for the future, such as roads, infrastructure, housing, and parks. The Official Plan also addresses how to support and encourage economic development and investment in the community, through industry, commerce, and tourism.
The Official Plan is created through consultation with the community and then approved by the Government of Ontario, after review by several provincial branches. The Plan is then reviewed and updated every 5 years. A 2024 Official Plan Backgrounder is available, providing an outline of the review and adoption process.
Other sub-plans are created to support the Official Plan such as the Comprehensive Zoning By-law and the Community Improvement Plan.
Town of Prescott Economic Development & Tourism
360 Dibble St W
Prescott, ON K0E 1T0
Dana Valentyne, Economic Development Officer Email: P: 613-925-2812 Ext: 6221 |
Justin St. Pierre, Business Development Officer Email: P: 613-925-2812 Ext: 6222 |